Friday, December 12, 2008

Bill Murray ...still funny

I never intended on writing about celebs on my blog but I thought this was pretty funny. I did find it on Perez Hilton.

"On Friday, one of the New York papers mentioned that while on an LA-to-New York red eye, comic Bill Murray was caught making fun of the passenger sitting next to him sporting an eye mask, surgical mask and rosary beads by jokingly banging his head, repeatedly, against the overhead compartment."

Thanks Perez

note to readers

Yes, I do realize I don't write in complete sentences and put punctuation in wrong places. But. I enjoy it.


tea baggin

What do you do with your tea bag? Yes, I throw mine away too. BUT lets say you didn't want to throw it away... then you could do this....

I found this on Make

graph paper tray

i like paper. and i like graph paper even more. BUT now i can eat off of it!!!! HEAVEN

Thank you little baby jesus! ONLY 25 US Dollars!

Order here at Fishs Eddy

Thursday, November 20, 2008

listography dot com

I have been using for a couple of years now. It gets a little boring since none of my friends really use it. So I'm giving this site a shout out. Basically what you do is... make lists. Lists of anything...Favorite cereals ..favorite songs from the 80's ...favorite anti depressants... ANYTHING you want.

They also have some books so you can write your lists down.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Elf up! Not that CB2 (Crate and Barrel 2) need a shout out but since these are pretty freaking neat (and cool obviously)....

oh and I found this through Hostess with the Mostest blog!

check it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

No More Dead Heads

I don't know about you guys but dead animal head mounts are kinda freaky. But you are strangely drawn to them. Right? Now you can experience home decor like the hunters and Sarah P.
Made by HeliS (other faux animal heads in her shop)
Moose link

keep time cool

This link will take you to the top 10 creative ways to display time. check it!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

tin can button set

So, pins/buttons everyone makes them. But this tin can telephone button set... thats neat.
By Brainscan
Button set

interviews by hologram

actually this is kinda more freaky than cool. but all the same..

Sunday, November 2, 2008

polariod is all over! this MIGHT fill the void...

Download this!
Expose your photo for as long or as short as you want.You can also upload your "poladroid" straight to flickr.

Friday, October 31, 2008

coffee cozy

how fun. carry your coffee/hot chocolate in this cute cozy made by dollyknits

link to cozy

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

street art

yes this guy drew this stuff over and over again and took pictures.. stop motion. NUTS

even chimps ride segways

this video is kinda long. but check it out

Sunday, October 26, 2008

a-ha ...take on me LITERALLY

starts around the 35 second mark. so wait for it

cool shades

by drink and dream

v cool.

Friday, October 24, 2008

don't give up

sometimes its hard to get through the day. maybe this shirt will help.

By printliberation

legos 4 life

This guy named Sean Kenney does some pretty wicked lego stuff. Check it out here

Oh, and here is another really cool lego project I found on the interwebs. I can't remember where I found it or where it came from but I do know one is cool.

this is cool man

i'm starting a blog. things that are cool

i wanted to call the blog "this is cool"
but that was taken

and then i wanted it to be called "this is cool too"
but that was taken

so here we go. this is cool man


ghost writer