Friday, December 12, 2008

Bill Murray ...still funny

I never intended on writing about celebs on my blog but I thought this was pretty funny. I did find it on Perez Hilton.

"On Friday, one of the New York papers mentioned that while on an LA-to-New York red eye, comic Bill Murray was caught making fun of the passenger sitting next to him sporting an eye mask, surgical mask and rosary beads by jokingly banging his head, repeatedly, against the overhead compartment."

Thanks Perez

note to readers

Yes, I do realize I don't write in complete sentences and put punctuation in wrong places. But. I enjoy it.


tea baggin

What do you do with your tea bag? Yes, I throw mine away too. BUT lets say you didn't want to throw it away... then you could do this....

I found this on Make

graph paper tray

i like paper. and i like graph paper even more. BUT now i can eat off of it!!!! HEAVEN

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